Telegram Configuration

The telegram configuration is set according to the PROFIdrive standard. The PROFIdrive parameters used in the configuration are: AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID (P922), AXIS#.PROFINET.SIGNALLIST (P923), AXIS#.PROFINET.​SETPOINTMAP (P915), AXIS#.PROFINET.​ACTUALVALUEMAP (P916) See PROFIdrive profile.

Telegram selections are made by configuring the correct sub-module in the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) configuration or by selecting telegrams using AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID (P922). By default, the drive uses the PLC configuration when the PLC connects to the drive. The PLC configuration will override the telegram signal mapping when not using telegram 0 free mapping.

PROFINET.USEMODULECFG (P5211) can be set to 0 to have the drive ignore the PLC configuration exchanged during connection establishment. When set to 0, the drive starts up with the telegram specified in AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID (P922) regardless of what the sub-module configuration is in the PLC.

When telegram 0 is used, AXIS#.PROFINET.​SETPOINTMAP (P915) and AXIS#.PROFINET.​ACTUALVALUEMAP (P916) are writable. The PROFIdrive state machine must be in the switched on inhibited state (AXIS#.PROFINET.STATE = S1) to make changes to the signal mapping.